MS PowerPoint - Intermediate

This intermediate MS PowerPoint course is for anyone who understands the basics and wants to take their skills up one level. Suitable for those who have used PowerPoint to a basic level.  By the end of this course you will be able to

  • manipulate paragraphs and text alignment
  • work with various line spacing and quickly re-use formatted text with the Format Painter
  • work with objects and graphics as well as group, resize and align objects
  • crop and compress objects
  • fill background colours and apply shape borders
  • merge shapes and use the eye dropper tool
  • embed videos, insert sounds clips and create screen recordings. 

Estimated Course duration is 3 hours.  Each lesson takes on average 3-5 minutes to complete.

You can also access our Quick Tip Videos, that only last a few minutes, under Tips and Tricks.

Course Content

Paragraph Formatting

Text Alignment
Modifying Bullets and Numbers
Working with Line Spacing
Using Outline View
Setting Tabs
Text Autofit
Format Painter
Ink Annotations
PowerPoint Designer

Working with Objects and Graphics

Inserting Pictures
Inserting Online Pictures
Inserting WordArt
Inserting Shapes
Inserting Shape Text
Drawing Perfect Shapes
Inserting SmartArt
Inserting Charts
Selecting Objects
Moving and Resizing Objects
Copying Objects
Deleting Objects
Grouping and Ungrouping
Aligning Objects
Nudging Objects
Rotating and Flipping Images
Layering Objects

Formatting Shapes

Background Fills
Shape Borders
Applying Shape Effects
Merging Shapes
Eyedropper Tool

Formatting Pictures

Applying Picture Effects
Modifying Contrast and Brightness
Re-Colour Pictures
Cropping Pictures
Re-Scaling Pictures
Resetting Pictures
Compressing Pictures
Setting Picture Shapes

Media Clips

Embedding Videos
Inserting Sound Clips
Using Pictures Instead of the Sound Icon
Converting Video Files
Screen Recording