MS Excel - Introduction

This introductory MS Excel course is for anyone who needs to understand the way Excel works. It's suitable for complete beginners. We assume learners will already be familiar with using a keyboard, mouse, computer and assistive technology.

By the end of this course you will be able to 

  • navigate a spreadsheet
  • use the ribbon and the quick access toolbar
  • enter and edit data as well as copy and move it
  • use absolute and relative referencing and be able to determine the order of calculations
  • create basic formulas and use basic functions such as the auto-sum, minimum, maximum, average and count Functions
  • format worksheets, create basic charts and lastly manage large worksheets

Estimated Course duration is 3 - 4 hours.  Each lesson take on average 3-5 minutes to complete.

You can also access our Quick Tip Videos, that only last a few minutes, under Tips and Tricks.

Course Content

Getting Started

Spreadsheet Terminology
Creating, Saving and Closing Workbooks
Switching Between Open Windows
The Excel Environment
Getting Help
Navigating a Worksheet
The Ribbon
Customising the Ribbon
Backstage View
Live Preview
Quick Access Toolbar
Mini Toolbar
File Formats
Status Bar
Using Undo and Redo

Working with Data

Entering Data
Selecting Data
Copying and Moving Data
Editing Cells
Find and Select
Creating Custom Lists
Working With Comments

Working with Columns and Rows

Managing Columns and Rows
Inserting Columns and Rows
Deleting Columns and Rows


Insert or Delete a Worksheet
Copying and Moving Worksheets
Managing WorkSheets

Formulae and Functions

Understanding Formulas
Order of Calculation
Entering and Editing Formulas
Moving and Copying Formulas
Absolute and Relative Cell References
Using Autosum
Sum Function
Min and Max Function
Average Function
Count Function


Font Formatting
Font Alignment
Text Wrapping
Merge and Centre Data
Text Orientation
Formatting Numbers and Dates
Conditional Formatting
Cell Styles
Format Painter


Chart Basics
Formatting Charts
Recommended Charts

Preparing to Print

Print Preview
Page Break preview
Page Setup Options
Printing Worksheets
Setting Up Print Areas
The Spell Check